am Institut für Germanistik der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen

Frankfurter Vortrag - "Why the Jews are the smartest people in the universe and why this is a bad thing" von Prof. Dr. Sander L. Gilman


Am Donnerstag, den 26. Mai 2011, lädt das Fritz-Bauer-Institut, in Kooperation mit dem Leo Baeck Institut London und dem Jüdischen Museum Frankfurt um 18 Uhr c.t. zu dem englischsprachigen Vortragsabend mit Prof. Dr. Sander L. Gilman in das IG Farben Haus der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main ein. Hier das englische Abstract des Vortrags: The claims about Jewish intellectual superiority surface regularly even in the 21st century. Modern genetics, it is claimed, proves that Jews are smart and that this is a singular component of »being Jewish«. It can′t be a bad thing to be thought to be smart. Or is it? This claim reveals itself to be a form of insidious philosemitism, an on-going form of anti-Semitism, which has traditionally masked itself as being supportive of the Jews. Often it is your supposed friends that you have to worry about most.

Arbeitsstelle Holocaustliteratur
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